Georgia Hall of Fame For years people like Gus Johnson, Linda Giddens and so many others have served on the HoF Committee Members and Chair Persons. Thank you all for your service. Congratulations to all of the Award Recipients! 1993 Hall of Fame Recipient - Joe George Hall of Fame Recipient - Deanna George Hall of Fame Recipient - Linda Giddens Hall of Fame Recipient - Ed Gill Hall of Fame Recipient - John Roach Hall of Fame Recipient - Carole Walker Hall of Fame Recipient - .Bo Callaway
1994 Hall of Fame Recipient - Ed Walker II Hall of Fame Recipient - Roger Dilling
1995 Hall of Fame Recipient - John Shipp
1996 Hall of Fame Recipient - Charles (Buddy) Frank Hall of Fame Recipient - Ed Walker
2002 Hall of Fame Recipient - Jimmy Spears 2002 HoF Committee Members: 3 years Eddie Pate - Craig Bryans - Bill Kerr
2003 - 2007 Information Needed - email info please. 2007 HoF Committee Members 3 years Linda Giddens - John Shipp - Gus Johnson 2 years Ray Crenshaw - Dan Prichard - Bruce Culpepper 1 year - Laurie Pate - Eddie Pate - Craig Bryans
2008 Hall of Fame Recipient - Regina Jaquess Hall of Fame Recipient - Jim Jaquess 2008 HoF Committee Members: 3 years Eddie Pate - Craig Bryans - Bill Kerr
2009 Hall of Fame Recipient - Tom Maxwell Hall of Fame Recipient - Travis Moye 2009 HoF Committee Members: 3 years Ray Crenshaw - Dan Prichard - Bruce Culpepper
2010 Hall of Fame Recipient - Joel Norton 2010 HoF Committee Members: 3 years Linda Giddens - John Shipp - Gus Johnson
2011 Hall of Fame Recipient - Kristian Cotton Hall of Fame Recipient - Jody Johnson 2011 HoF Committee Members: 3 years Eddie Pate - Craig Bryans - Joel Nortonpper
2012 Hall of Fame Recipient - Lane 'Dawg' Bowers
Hall of Fame Recipient - Jerry Jackson 2012 HoF Committee Members: 3 years Ray Crenshaw - Dan Prichard - Bruce Culpepper 2013 Hall of Fame Recipient - Marty Fournoy Special Recognition Award - Dan Prichard 2013 HoF Committee Members: Robert Blair - Carey Zimlich - Will Ware
2014 Hall of Fame Recipient - Gus Johnson 2014 Joel Norton-Robert Blair-Craig Bryans-Ray Crenshaw-Bruce Culpepper-Gus Johnson-Dan Pritchard-Will Ware-Carey Zimlich 2015 Hall of Fame Recipient - Gary Bates - Skiing Hall of Fame Recipient - Paul Kiker - Pioneer of the sport 2015 Committee Members: Joel Norton (chairman) John Shipp - Gus Johnson - Bruce Culpepper - Will Ware - Carey Zimlich - Robert Blair - Craig Bryans 2016 Hall of Fame Recipient - Carey Zimlich - Skiing and Contributions to the sport Hall of Fame Recipient - Todd Culpepper - Skiing
2016 Committee Members: Joel Norton (chair) Gus Johnson - Bruce Culpepper - Billy Pilcher - Ray Crenshaw - Will Ware - Robert Blair - Craig Bryans - James Cawthern