We want to have a password protected area for members only up and running in the future. there has not been a demand to date.
2011 Georgia Water Ski Federation Renewal Notice
********************************************************************************************* Your membership contribution helps promote the sport of waterskiing in Georgia. GWSF funds support clinics for junior and adult skiers, clinics for officials, recognition awards given at our annual banquet and to GWSF members who make a difference. The funds help GWSF maintain State Records the Hall of Fame and govern the Georgia State Championship. The Federation remembers members of our skiing community in time of need with worthwhile donations to ski related activities as well as memorial recognitions when we suffer a loss in our “skiing family”. The Board’s three council members represent Georgia skiers in the AWSA Southern Region. These are just some of the ways GWSF helps organize and promote our favorite sport. Please join, your contribution matters! Click on the How to join the GWSF tab for instructions to renew your membership. |