Thank you to Dan Pritchard for heading up the GWSF sponsored Safety Official Clinic in Athens Saturday March 12th. Dan has been our dependable safety guru and original pioneer for tournament safety. We also had Ray Crenshaw attending and assisting Dan, Ray being another safety pioneer as well. Returning safety personnel included, James Cawthern, Bill Kerr, and Robert Blair. GWSF is glad to have, Kim Bryans, John Dicus, Cameron Prince, join the Safety Coordinator program. We are especially proud of our youngest trainees and future coordinators, Amanda Bryans, Nicholas Kerr, and Hayleigh Blair.
The entire group would like to remind every skier as we gear up for a new season to take a minute and review your favorite ski site, for “keep safe items”.
· Do you have a first aid kit, quickly and easily accessible
· Does anyone you ski with know CPR
· Are there contact numbers, directions, operating hours to the local medical facility available.
· Do you have a backboard, quickly and easily accessible
· Does anyone know the proper technique for recovering an unconscious person from the water.
Thanks again to all the participants and keep safe. Robert Blair